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is Tyler Oliveira from  Bloomington, IN

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Here are some VERY important things you need to know about Mr. T



COW:  Hey, Tyler, what is your favorite food? 
TYLER:  Tamales . Best in the world!
COW:  And your favorite dessert?
TYLER:  cheese cake! Cheese…. Good. Cake…. Good! Cheese cake…… really good!

TYLER helps run the moo crew on the road & sings like an angel


COW:  I also am a fan of dairy. How about your favorite amusement park ride?

TYLER:  My favorite amusement park ride is the closest one to the ground. Maybe a semi sped-up merry go round?


COW:  I know an elderly bull you could ride Sounds about your speed. Ok, so tell us about YOUR worst injury as a little kid.

TYLER:  I flipped a four wheeler once and it rolled on top of me. Not great….


COW:  Yeah, that sounds less than ideal. Ok, so how about your favorite song from church...and your favorite Bible verse?

TYLER: Forever my answer would have been “Were It Not For Grace” an old southern Gospel song. But, Brandon Lake’s “Miracle Child” is catching up very quickly!

My favorite bible verse is  Romans 8:18. Its says, "I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us."


COW:  Tell us about your background in Children's Ministry? What has God placed on your heart that made you desire to minster to children?

TYLER: My calling to children’s ministry stems from my calling to all people. I want everyone to find and follow Jesus in whatever stage of life they are in. I started working in children’s ministry about 11 years ago and believe that there is nothing sweeter than watching children sing about Jesus and be excited to be in his presence! 



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