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is Kylee Pickett from  Sibley, MO


Here are some VERY important things you need to know about Grape-Nut



COW:  Hey, Kylee, what is your favorite food? 
KYLEE:  Easy... mac n cheese not any old mac n cheese but the mac n cheese my mom made when I was a little child. That stuff was gooood!

Kylee is a giant cow KID CONNECTOR & on the cow stage team

COW:  And your favorite dessert?
KYLEE:  Pumpkin pie with whipped topping on Thanksgiving after a big old family meal.

COW:  You can put Dr. Pepper in cake?! Spectacular. How about your favorite amusement park ride?

KYLEE: Fire in the Hole at Silver Dollar City in Branson, MO.


COW:  That sounds....unsafe. Ok, so tell us about YOUR worst injury as a little kid.

KYLEE:  I never did get any bad injuries when I was little but I did get so many little injuries that my family started calling me crash and bruise!!


COW:  That's concerning. We will keep an eye on you. Ok, so how about your favorite song from church...and your favorite Bible verse?

KYLEE: "They'll know we are Cristians by our love" is easily my favorite church song. I'm definitely more of a campfire song girl and I've sung this song at like 5 camps over the years it brings me so much joy every time.

My favorite verse or rather section has to be 1 Corinthians 13 4-7. It talks about love what love is and what love is not. I think sometimes we all need a little reminder what true love means. Love is kind.


COW:  Tell us about your background in Children's Ministry? What has God placed on your heart that made you desire to minster to children?

KYLEE: Well when I was younger I was always the kid that hated church... everything about it it always seemed so boring like I, as a 6 year old girl who just wants to be outside, has to sit here and listen to some old man talk for hours. Then, when I was old enough for summer camps and events like Giant Cow, I was always the kid that stood in the back and acted like I was just "too cool for it". But, in 2023. I got the opportunity to staff at some of my local summer camps... and I got to travel with Giant Cow for the first time! I walked into my first event with Cow and it was like a light bulb moment. I was standing there with all these kids praising God in a fun way and I just knew this was something I wanted to do. I especially wanted to look for those kids like me that were standing on the edge of the crowd and help them see its ok to have fun while you praise. I wanted to helm them get out of their "I'm too cool" shell. For real, it's the best thing in the world to see hundreds of children singing and praising AND smiling and having so much fun. Bringing that joy to the world the joy and love of Jesus Christ is what Cow is all about...and I'm so excited to be a part of it.




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