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Your impact on children as
a GIANT COW Volunteer



At the risk of sounding like Captain Obvious, children look up to and follow the example of older young people. If you have little brothers and sisters, you probably experience this every day. They want to be WITH you; they want to be LIKE you. While it can sometimes feel inconvenient, it is also a demonstration of the powerful amount of influence you have over these little lives.


Now, think back to your younger years. Do you remember a teacher, Sunday school worker, adult relative, or even an older teenager that made a positive impact in YOUR life? What was it that they did to make this impact? In most cases, it was the time and focus they GAVE you and the genuine care and concern that had FOR you regardless of the age difference.


Did you know that, at MOST Giant Cow events, you can get a FREE TICKET for a younger child in your family when their older sibling volunteers for the Cow event?!


As a GIANT COW volunteer, these two concepts collide and merge in an amazing way. You have the opportunity and privilege to spend a handful of hours focused on impacting and influencing a small group of someone else's brothers and sisters. These children come with an expectation that they are going to see some great on-stage drama, music and craziness. What they don't realize is that they may very well come away with new heroes - their team leaders. The small-group experiences build relationships between you and these children that can have an impact far beyond the conference weekend.


Join the ever-expanding team of dynamic GIANT COW volunteers and become the person that THESE children will remember later in their life when the time comes for them to have this same opportunity to minister to other children.


"You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." - II Timothy 2:1-2 (NKJV)








All our volunteers must be at least 13 years old (ok, sometimes just 12). Typically, young adults ages 13-14 serve as runners or team assistants. Young adults ages 15 and up can serve as team leaders and team assistants. 



We ask that all the workers stay positive throughout the conference. Realize that most of the children aren't used to being in large groups of strangers without their parents there for their security blanket. Its up to you to make them feel welcome and comfortable in this new setting. We ask that you participate in all that goes on. The children look up to you. If the leaders are enthusiastic about all that's going on, then the children will be as well. Although you may feel that some activities like hand motions during songs and scripture memory are a little childish, remember that if you don't do them, then the children won't find them enjoyable either. You play a HUGE role in setting the atmosphere for the event! So keep a smile on your face and always remember that you want the children to see Jesus in you.



These events are times to develop amazing relationships. One of the ways this happens is when each volunteer is in attendance the entire event. That attendance is also crucial for both children and parents from a standpoint of trust. We ask that each individual who chooses to volunteer be a part for the entire weekend.



Dress for comfort and for fun. You will be provided with a t-shirt for the event. Only thing we ask is for long pants.


WHAT YOU NEED TO BRING (if at ALL possible):

> We ask that each volunteer bring $10 to the first event at which they volunteer in a particular year. We will have 2 Theme t-shirts for you.  This helps to offset the cost of shirt printing along with the many other expenses that the ministry continues to incur.

> DUCT TAPE: Since we use a TON of it, bring one roll of the  most creative duct tape you can find

> SHARPIES: Any color you like (although the darker the better) and as many as you like.


We use duct tape and sharpies like cows use their tail ...for EVERYTHING!



If you sign up to work with us, you are agreeing to obey and follow all of the GIANT COW VOLUNTEER guidelines. We don't have a lot of rules, but the ones we have are in effect for a reason. If you are acting inappropriately please know that we will address you on the issue. We don't make that our goal and we trust that we wont have to address you on your conduct.



Screening of our adult volunteers is an important part of our security process. Anyone who volunteers for a GIANT COW event and is over 18 will be subject to a criminal background check. Adult volunteers must provide proof of ID when they report for training before the conference event.








As a ministry that relies heavily on local volunteers, we can always use YOUR help in finding more people. Here are some ideas on how you can have an even larger impact with Giant Cow by becoming a RECRUITER.


Groups that you can inform and invite:

  > Your Friends

  > Church Youth and College Groups

  > Faith-based Homeschool Groups

  > Christian High Schools

  > Facebook Friends


Things that COW can utilize on-site:

  > Meal donation and preparation

  > Local housing in church or school environments

  > Dynamic Christian musicians

  > Assistance with set-up and tear down for those that have schedules which don't allow for the entire conference  commitment


If you have ideas on how you can connect COW with local team members and resources, please contact our office.




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© 2004-2025 GIANT COW Ministries. All rights reserved. 


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