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"Action Man" 

is DANIEL RUSSELL from Nipomo, CA


Here are some VERY important things you need to know about ACTION MAN

COW:  Hey, Daniel, what is your favorite food? 
DANIEL:   Meat and Greens Anything Protein. I try to overdose on protein. 


COW:  But just chicken, I'm sure. And your favorite dessert?
DANIEL:  Anything with strawberries. But I would say milk and cookies is a very close second.
COW:  And your favorite amusement park ride?
DANIEL:  Zip lines OR the Drop Zone.

COW:  You like falling. Weird. OK, tell us about the worst injury you ever had when YOU were a little kid.

DANIEL:  I had a pretty epic bike accident as a kid. I split my head open trying to fit myself and my bike between two cars at a high rate of speed. There was clearly more of me and the bike then there was space between those cars.

COW:  Should have used a tape measure first. about your favorite song from church...and what's your favorite Bible verse?

DANIEL:  Song? That's easy. "Amazing Grace." Says everything. And my favorite verse is, ”But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!" - ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭22‬-‭23‬ ‭NLT‬‬s  

COW:  Tell us about your background in Children's Ministry? What has God placed on your heart that made you desire to minster to children?

DANIEL: I started volunteering with Giant Cow in the fall of 2022. I really didn't know what I was getting myself into, but it has set me on mission to stay with the Giant Cow for as long as possible. Once I started serving kids with Giant Cow, I then jumped into serving kids in my home church as well, both as a Sunday School leader and as a part of the teen ministry. Seeing children soak in the Word of God is incredible, and knowing they have the opportunity grow up in the Word is so exciting. I just love being a part of their journey.


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