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Mind*Craft: Christlike Thinking

About a year ago was sitting with an injured kid at Kid’s Camp and I listened to him explain this game called Minecraft He would go on and talk about scenarios and tricks for an hour and a half. That was the first time I had heard of Minecraft and from that point I begin to see kids playing it and talking about it and it has become a phenomenon. Then it really sunk in my 3rd grader started to play and she began to discover things and everyday she would show me her new discoveries.

This got me thinking: What if kids were as passionate at “crafting” and building a life that make God happy as they are to craft and build in this game. I began to work on this one week series helping kids on their level remember the ways we need to think in order to become more like Him, based off of the Bible and Philippians 4:8.

If you know me you know I love slime so anytime I can incorporate slime into something I will and I did just that. In this series I reveal a NEW WORD “THRPLA-EW” pronounced (thurpla-ewww). In Philippians it says to think about things that are True, Honorable, Pure, Right, Lovely, Admirable, Excellent and Worthy of Praise. They loved it and I had small and big kids alike memorizing this scripture in less than an hour. One of my goals as a Children’s Pastor is to make learning about Jesus memorable. I want to make memories that will last a lifetime and I pray that these Biblical truths will stick with them through their lives.

Mind*Craft Sunday was a hit and I hope you would give it a try. You can download all our lesson plans, graphics and videos HERE.

Ben Fowlkes is a Giant Cow Co-Director & Event Speaker. Click here to get to know PASTOR BEN!

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